2040 strategic plan
The KGOC 2040 Strategic Plan is underpinned by 2040 KPC’s Strategic Directions. These Strategic Directions provide the high-level statement of intent for each of KPC’s businesses and, from them, the objectives and strategies of each were defined. For the Domestic Upstream, there are seven Strategic Directions out of ten Strategic Directions for the Upstream that have specific relevance to the development of the 2040 Strategic Plan.
KPC’s 2040 Strategic Directions has necessitated the Upstream Sector to revisit their Mission, Vision and the Strategic Plans for achieving the ambitious goals set forth by KPC until 2040. KGOC developed its 2040 Strategic Plan to contribute to the overall KPC Upstream Sector ambition and deliver on its commitments to the wider State of Kuwait.
The best of KGOC from Planning, Assets Management and Functional Areas came together to formulate a detailed, robust and integrated 2040 Strategic Plan. In this process, Five Strategic Core Initiatives and Fourteen Strategic Enabling Initiatives have been developed to address the identified strategic priorities and reach the production targets over the next 22 years.